Farmer’s market and around

28 09 2004

Went to a place called the Farmer’s market which is held every Saturday, at a Pier building called the Ferry Building. This building was destroyed in an earthquake and the residents got together and rebuilt it; finishing the complete structure in 2003 [luckily for us 😀 ]

Saw the place called Pier 39 also popularly known as the Fisherman’s Wharf (or I think the place called Fisherman’s Wharf is alongside the Pier 39 and together the place has become famous as Fisherman’s Wharf or Pier 39, whichever the residents around here feel comfortable with) and did some first day shopping also here. [Hey! what is that thing about US $ being hard to spend for us folks, I have as yet not encountered that phenomenon for myself… 😛 ]

Jet-lag seems like it has as yet not settled down on us and we have adapted ourselves to the US timing without any such problems…



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